I think you reply says a lot about the kind of “Christianity” you espouse.
Imagine praying for another faith community to fail. Show me where your Jesus tells you to do that?
Imagine believing that your worship must occur in a centralised building, when Christ tore the veil and the church is now everywhere.
Imagine being offended by someone providing a healing place for people who have been hurt by the church and people in the church.
Imagine having a go at me for charging the cost of a cup of coffee when your church demands tithes and offerings to the tune of hundreds, even thousands of dollars, most of which is spent on your pastor’s salary and the upkeep of your building.
Imagine believing that a beer bottle next to a Bible offends God. Jesus was a drinker…. Provided the wine at some parties as I recall. Paul encouraged Timothy to have a drink. There is nothing wrong with holding a Bible in one hand and a beer in the other.
Imagine threatening anyone with hell, as if you were God and could make that judgment call. I’m confident that God is much more gracious than you.
Yes, your response says much about your Christianity, and only highlights the need for communities like mine. Safe places away from this likes of this kind of self-righteous dogma.